
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Coming to a blog near you...

Bursting at the seams...
I've had my blog now for a week and I have so much I want to write about but have been preparing for an upcoming team meeting (those dang jobs just get in the way!)  Anywho - some of things I'm working on are:
  • She'll be coming around the mountain...
  • It smells like pot in here.
  • Magic water
  • Ah-choo!
  • You'll see it when you believe it.
Peace, love and yogurt...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't get your red panties in a bunch... or Do?

Panty Power!!
So I mentioned in my last post about the need to strengthen my root chakra and some of the actions I'm taking to do so, but did I happen to mention red panties?  No?  You say you would have remembered?  Well, let's just discuss, shall we...  Since the root chakra corresponds with the color red, the idea of wearing red panties A LOT makes A LOT sense now doesn't it?  The weird thing is, I thought I was on to something but it turns out other people on The Net are too.  One thing I read that I thought was interesting was that wearing read panties can help with hip pain.  Who knew?  So if your grandma is sportin' red panties, don't be worried.  I went ahead and ordered a bunch of red panties online and am just waitin'.  I'll keep ya posted...

Just call me Bono

Seein' red...
Well, I've given my husband another reason to poke fun at me (it's too bad he's not still in comedy - I give him sssooo much material).  So here's the deal, I had an investment hiccup last year and have been trying to manifest some extra money.  What I recently learned was that you can't manifest anything into your life if your root chakra is weak.  Some of the symptoms of a weak root chakra are lower back pain (check), menstrual cramps (check), negative thoughts (check), and sadly a low sex drive (check).  So I ordered a meditation CD for the muladhara, first or root chakra and buzzed up to my local spiritual store (a place called Stargazers) on the hunt for root chakra crystals.  It was there that I discovered what I can only call chakra glasses; assorted styles and colors meant to be worn to strengthen the corresponding chakra.  The style and color I wanted was sold out (lots of weak root chakras out there I guess) so I went online and ordered them from a seller on Ebay and surprisingly received them almost the next day.  When I looked at the address on the box, it turns out the company is less than 5 minutes from my office.  Their website address is if you want to check them out.  I've been wearing them in the evenings now for a few days... we'll see.

Included with my red color glasses from BioWaves was a pretty comprehensive sheet of instruction and description.  I thought I'd share so we can better understand what these puppies do:

Color therapy is simply using color to assist the body in healing.  Emotions and moods can be affected by the use of color.  Each color's vibration is associated with different attributes and qualities.  One method of utilizing color to affect your mood or emotion is to wear colored glasses, looking at the world through "rose colored glasses", if you will (or green colored or yellow colored or violet colored, etc.).

Sunlight contains all the colors of the spectrum.  The color of the light entering your body through theses glasses is concentrated in one spectrum.  Your body "feeds" on the color which is absorbed through your eyes.  The mood or emotions associated with that color are enhanced, causing a shift in that direction.  Your body uses the color to help bring itself back into balance.

You can wear color glasses while going about your daily tasks.  Simply wear glasses in the color which corresponds to the results you desire.

How long should you wear them?
10-30 minutes a day, at least.  Some people like to wear them for up to 60 minutes a day.  Experiment and see what works for you.

Wear them inside or outside the house.  Be careful - some of the dark colors may make things hard to see.  Except for yellow, they are not designed to be worn while driving since they can affect your perception of images.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Balancing of emotions, for both the over and under emotional.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Relaxation, balancing emotions.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Soothing feeling, purity, calmness.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Loving expressiveness.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Serenity, stillness, understanding, imagination.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Accurate percetpion, greater intuition and awareness.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Creativity, beauty, inspiration.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Selflessness, generosity, enhanced artistic ability.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Communication, personal expression, decisiveness.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Clear communication, confidence in speaking, mental relaxation.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Peace, love, harmony.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Rest, relaxation, calmness, stress reduction.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Cheerfulness, mental clarity, inspiration, stimulating curiosity and interest.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Easing of depression, greater self-esteem, empowerment, confidence.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Resourcefulness, sociability, happiness, success.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Social confidence, joyfulness, enjoyable relationships, expanded interests and activities.

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Vitality, self-confidence, feeling of security and safety, courage, power.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  Energy, confidence, settled-ness, feeling of safety and security.  Red can excite all the body's processes.  It may raise blood pressure and generate body heat.  Wear red only for a short time!

ASSOCIATED WITH:  Relaxation, stress relief, calming aggression.
REPORTED BENEFITS:  An appetite suppressant.

14150 NE 20th Street, Suite F1
Bellevue, WA 98007


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who farted?

Take a deep breath...
Okay, so I made it to my meditation class last night on time - but all was not okay in the land of ahs.  Let's just talk about how irritating it is to have a whole sanctuary full of open pews and have the 3 loudest people sit directly behind you.  Since Rabbi Ted (yes, I said Rabbi) had already started talking, I thought it would be rude to get up and move.  But what was even more rude was the movie theater whispering the peanut gallery behind us (me and my friend Deborah) had to endure.  Totally disrespectful to R.T. and totally inconsiderate to all the eager beaver meditators.  So we're into our first meditation for a bit and the guy directly behind poor Deborah isn't just asleep, he's snoring.  We get out of that meditation and move on to a mudra meditation.  Again with the snoring and then I hear something that sounds like a fart.  I look at my watch and we have 35 minutes to go!  My side is hurting and I'm uncomfortable as heck.  It reminded me of the scene in Eat Pray Love where Julia Roberts' character is meditating at an ashram, looks up at the clock and then drops her head to the ground in frustration that hardly any time has passed.  After the class Deborah and I commiserate, sharing notes.  She heard the fart too.  Let's just say, that was the most stressful meditation class I'd ever been to.  Instead of driving home listening to my Ara Kara CD, I blast my Kid Rock CD.  The happy ending is that I had fun telling my story to my husband who I had belly laughing - Rabbi Ted, snoring, farts, and Kid Rock after meditating - what's there not to laugh about?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Holy Blog Name!!

Not blog worthy?
Is it just me or is every single blog name and/or website domain taken?  Not even my thesaurus (not a species of dinosaur) could help me out.  That being said, you'll have to excuse my dorky blog name (and title for that matter) but I just had to get the show on the road here.  I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now but wasn't sure what I had to blog about.  I always thought it would be great to blog about some of the arduous (did I just use "arduous"?) cleanses I've done in the past (my most recent a liver cleanse), but that seemed a little too nichey (is that even a word?), and besides I know for a fact that I wouldn't have had the energy to blog anyways.  Okay, so what else?  I've been an admin/office manager pretty much since I learned to type in high school but that seems a little boring (not seems, it is).  I had a side home staging business for a few years but am not doing that any more.  My dog is really awesome but I don't think blogging about her would be too exciting (no offense, Cookie).  So I thought about it and I was like, duh, you can blog about all of your spiritual pursuits and interests!  Seriously, I thought, what is the main thing that I've always been passionate about?  Spirituality and all that it encompasses.  I think I owned every NDE, Feng Shui, fasting book ever written at one point, and I know for a fact I've owned everything that Stuart ("Stuie") Wilde has put out.  I've visualized, I've saged, I've done mantras for months at a time, you name it, I've probably dabbled in it.  I could have probably written The Secret (not really, but its ideas weren't new to me and who doesn't have an intention list, like seriously?).  Big whoop you say?  I say kiss my bee-hind, bee-atch (spiritual people talk like sailors too).  I think the difference for me now at this time in my life is that I'm more focused on learning, growing, and getting to that ah-ha moment than I've ever been before.  It seems like since I went to Bell Rock in Sedona a few weeks ago, things are just clicking, spiritually speaking, for me.  So I will be hittin' the keys as time permits and as events unfold.  But right now I need to wrap it up and get going for my meditation class at 7pm.  My friend, Deborah, doesn't like it when I'm late.  I'm always on time, I'm always on time....